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horrible timetable they can offer

the new semester is starting next week. and so the new timetable is out. the timetable is probably the worst timetable i could ever look at. the choices of subjects are so limited. and i really mean very limited. how to choose?.. you tell me. they gave us the freedom to choose the subjects and groupings but providing us with horrible time.

i really dont know how they arrange the subject availability list. it looks as if the management play some random game and come out with the subjects. or maybe playing the mi-ni-mi-ni-ma-ni-mo game. argh.

20 subjects offered for this semester. with all the pre-requisite rubbish and minus the subjects i have taken, i am down with only 5 mass comm subjects and 3 humanities (as electives) subject to choose. and all the subjects are scattered from 8am to 4pm with some clashing with each other.

im left with two choices at the moment. a not-so-nice timetable or having to study a subject that i might not be interested in. which one should i choose?

